Richardson Sheffield
With a legacy spanning over 180 years, Richardson Sheffield has made an indelible impact on the global knife market with its iconic and pioneering designs. Since its establishment in 1839, the brand has consistently pushed the boundaries of knife craftsmanship and innovation.
Throughout its illustrious history, Richardson Sheffield has introduced groundbreaking products that have redefined the industry. From the inception of the first wooden knife block in the 1960s to the revolutionary 'never needs sharpening' Laser technology in 1979, the brand remains committed to bringing new and innovative products to market, enhancing culinary experiences worldwide. Recently, Richardson Sheffield has returned to its Sheffield roots, reestablishing its dedication to British manufacturing. This move signifies a significant milestone, reconnecting the brand with the unparalleled craftsmanship and expertise that have shaped its legacy. As a leading British brand, Richardson Sheffield takes pride in making beautiful, top-quality designs accessible and affordable for all. With a mission to blend artistry and affordability, the brand continually pushes the boundaries of knife design, ensuring that every household can enjoy the pleasure of using exceptional and reliable tools.